Image phenomenon research as cultural phenomenon

  • Metlyaeva T.V.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia
    Ph.D. of cultural science, associate professor of design and technologies


In this article analysis results of approaches to determination of the concept «image» from the point of view of cultural science are provided. The dissertation researches, scientific articles representing a view of image as one of modern forms of the organization of social space and filling of the information environment as the representative form of the welfare relations performed within dialogue with Another as the spokesman of cultural meanings, as system of social programming of spiritual life and behavior of subjects all-civilization and mental stereotypes and symbols of group behavior are considered.

The main functions of image, such as are analyzed: communicative, information, cognitive, emotivny, organizational, motivational, adaptive. The main components of forming of image promoting deep development of a desirable image and creation of necessary result of successful perception at target audience are revealed. Such significant component in social practice is the stereotype as the most effective instrument of handling of socially important information in communicative processes, and also necessary means of regulation of joint activities of people in society.

The following major aspect in forming of image of an object, from the point of view of culturological approach is the symbol. In the modern world receives the bulk of information of people in a sign form, image is a certain universal design, the transferring necessary amount of information directly on several communication channels as image, represents not a separate sign, but complete structure.

Basis or the base of creation of image is its mythological component. Universal nature of the myth relies on culture as on something complete as the myth synthesizes and connects various phenomena presented of philosophical, religious, moral, literary, historical, scientific, political knowledge both in art, and in it its importance for image formation. At the same time, in the course of image creation the image maker relies on archetypic images as the congenital sources of representations regulating the principles a formirovakniya of our views of the world, conditions of its judgment and understanding.

Keywords: image, stereotype, symbol, myth, archetype, axiological approach, culturological approach.